My projects

Photo App

Photo App
  • React
  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • Sass

PhotoApp is a social app inspired by Instagram. Users can create posts, like them and add comments to them. There is a chat feature in the app that uses WebSocket for communication. For the frontend I used the Next.js framework, TypeScript, Tanstack Query and TailwindCSS, while for the backend I used Fastify, TypeScript and ImageKit to store images added by users. For database communication, I used PostgreSQL and Prisma. For communication between the frontend and backend, I used openapi-typescript.

Github Searcher

Github Searcher
  • React
  • Next.js
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind CSS

Github Searcher is a Next.js app with SSR, which uses REST API from Github to show users and repositories. This app has an accent color feature so you can pick your preferred color from the list.

Shoe Shop

Shoe Shop
  • Typescript
  • Sass
  • HTML

Typescript app, created to learn typescript and understand how much React makes life easier. This app is imitating e-commerce shop, but without checkout & payments yet sadly.

Business Website

Business Website
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Framer Motion
  • styled-components

Simple landing page with Framer Motion animations. I’ve created it to learn TypeScript, React and styled-components.